Thursday, 27 November 2014

Koru Pa

Koru pa

On Wensday we went to Koru Pa site to get information for our Te Ara Tika.

My favourite thing at Koru Pa was the storage holes. 

I enjoyed picking up interesting stones at the river.

Koru Pa was a fighting Pa.

Puke Ariki

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On Wednesday 26th of 
November room 9 went 
to Puke Ariki because we
needed  to find out how to
make our Pa sites better. 

We are making Pa sites for Te Ara Tika. 

In  this photo is a picture of a Pa site that a very talented man made it. He works at Tawhiti museum.

Monday, 10 November 2014



Muddy footprints,
Blowing wind and swaying trees,
Noisy bird,
Loud rain,
Damp bush,
Soft silky sun sine,
