Thursday, 27 November 2014

Koru Pa

Koru pa

On Wensday we went to Koru Pa site to get information for our Te Ara Tika.

My favourite thing at Koru Pa was the storage holes. 

I enjoyed picking up interesting stones at the river.

Koru Pa was a fighting Pa.

Puke Ariki

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On Wednesday 26th of 
November room 9 went 
to Puke Ariki because we
needed  to find out how to
make our Pa sites better. 

We are making Pa sites for Te Ara Tika. 

In  this photo is a picture of a Pa site that a very talented man made it. He works at Tawhiti museum.

Monday, 10 November 2014



Muddy footprints,
Blowing wind and swaying trees,
Noisy bird,
Loud rain,
Damp bush,
Soft silky sun sine,

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Away from home

Away from home
“YAY!”I was staying with my grandparents for the first time in the city.

Nana, grandad and I were in a clothing shop. We were just leaving and in the darkness filled with foggy clouds I caught my eye on an outstanding playground, it had so many levels to climb up. I ran over to have a look at it and was so awestruck I forgot about going home with Nana and Grandad. I got to the playground and instantly remembered about Nana and Grandad!

I looked over to where I last saw them them, they were gone!

I panicked, I looked around there were lots of strangers.

What have I done I thought myself.

I started to walk towards and Grandad’s house, hoping they will remember to come back for me.

I was so scared and lonely.

I walked over to the road, there was traffic zooming past me. I sat down beside a shop with the constant stream of traffic in front of me .

I was about to cry.

I was wishing that this was all a dream.

I got up and walked a little more then as I turned the corner there were a bunch of suspicious people . I turned back and tripped over a stone .

“How could this day get any worse” I whispered to myself.

I looked at the traffic, I said I was going to take a risk. I waited 20 minutes for a gap to walk across the road then finally got a chance. I turned the corner and there Nana and Grandad were I ran up to them and gave them a huge hug.

“I missed you both so much and I love you”


Monday, 15 September 2014

All about me


* I turn 8 in              *I have a kitten called Lilly and a Dog
November                called Jerico. Jerico is a weimarianer
and I turn 9              he is 2 and 3 quarters and lily is ginger
this year.                  and lily is turns 1 in a month.
*Year born:                *At my house we have lots of farm land.
                               *In New Plymouth their is a tall windwond.  *I do Ballet,Jazz      
and Irish dancing.   *I like all animals. 

* I live on a 700 
meter long hill.

*At my house I have 
a great view of the 

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Cupcake Catastrophe

Cupcake Catastrophe

My favorite character is Ella because she is cool and she is the older one.  

The author of all Ella and Olivia books including this one is Yvette Poshoglian.

My favorite chapter is when Ella and Olivia make the cupcakes because they enjoy it.

My worst chapter is when the dad says the cupcakes are salty because the girl’s worked so hard to get the cupcakes right.

My favorite little part is when they have the party because it reminds me of my birthday party.

My clue about the ending is friends and family giving presents.

I would give this book to people who like girly kind of books.

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Term 3 goals

                                                            Term 3 Goals


In Ballet I want to get my toes to touch the floor and to get a bigger bend in any move and I want to have that done by the time my birthday is this year.


I need to spell bigger longger words using rules and syilables. I need to read 8 chapter books by the end of the term.

Cross cuntry:

In Cross cuntry I want to finish the corse without stopping running and get into the top 5 all thoe I will still have my cast on.


Thursday, 31 July 2014


This is a adorable kitten.I put this photo of a adorable kitten on my blog as my first photo  because it looks so much like my kitten Lily. 

Hi, I wanted to put this photo on my blog because it is so cute and it also lookes so much like my little  Lily.
