Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Term 3 goals

                                                            Term 3 Goals


In Ballet I want to get my toes to touch the floor and to get a bigger bend in any move and I want to have that done by the time my birthday is this year.


I need to spell bigger longger words using rules and syilables. I need to read 8 chapter books by the end of the term.

Cross cuntry:

In Cross cuntry I want to finish the corse without stopping running and get into the top 5 all thoe I will still have my cast on.



  1. I can't wait to see all the books you are reading Michaela - your goal works out to be about 1 1/2 books each week. Good luck!

  2. Great decision for what your term 3 goals where. The first goal is the same as mine.

